Transmission Settlements Notices

Stay informed of changes to transmission rates and review billing cycle communications. Rate updates are posted monthly, reflecting any changes from the prior month. Billing cycle notices will be posted when statements are available for download on the portal. Learn which months are being resettled and know what to expect in the current and upcoming billing cycles.  

July 2024 Rate Changes

Rate changes were processed for the following items:


Schedule 7, 8 and 9:

  • Rate changes were processed to incorporate an inadvertent error made in Michigan Join Zone, 13A and the Michigan Joint Zone SubZone 13. 95MW associated with MPPA AREF NL1135 was omitted in error in the Michigan Joint Zone & Michigan Joint Subzone Transmission Rate calcs for June 2024.


  • The Michigan Joint Zone average rate decreased by .218%.


  • The Michigan Joint Zone Subzone rate decreased by 1.345%.


Schedule 26:

  • Rate changes were processed to incorporate an inadvertent error made in Michigan Join Zone, 13A and the Michigan Joint Zone SubZone 13. 95MW associated with MPPA AREF NL1135 was omitted in error in the Michigan Joint Zone & Michigan Joint Subzone Transmission Rate calcs for June 2024.


  • The Michigan Joint Zone average rate decreased by .005%.


  • The Michigan Joint Zone Subzone rate decreased by 1.345%.


Schedule 41:

  • Rate changes were processed for Entergy to recover for Hurricanes Laura, Delta, Zeta, and Ida, as well as Winter Storm Uri from transmission customers.


  • The Entergy New Orleans rate increased by 153.615%.


  • The Entergy Louisiana rate increased by 100%.


  • The Entergy Texas rate increased by 100%.


These changes are effective July 1, 2024.


June 2024 Billing Cycle

Preliminary transmission (Day 1) monthly settlement files for June 2024 will be posted to the market portal by 8am July 2, 2024. The files end with _D2.txt or _D2.xlsx

Final transmission (Day 1) monthly settlement files for June 2024 will be posted to the market portal by 8am July 8, 2024. The files end with _TS0.txt or _TS0.xlsx


REMINDER:  MP, SP and CLF files are due by 12:00pm EST on Wednesday, July 3, 2024.  MISO will observe Independence Day on Thursday, July 4, 2024.  The full schedule of 2024 billing cycle key dates is posted here.
















June 2024 Prior Period Adjustments 

·         No prior period adjustments.

Updated 6/27/2024

July 2024 Prior Period Adjustments

METC  Zone 13 (Michigan Joint Zone) and Zone 13A (Michigan Joint Zone Subzone) Rate Correction

  • June 2024
  • Affects Schedules 7,8,9,26
  • No Interest
  • This information can be found in June 2024 TS1
  • This applies to customers with the METC zonal rate.

Minnesota Power – Dispute granted for reservations 91365462 and 887572081 Continuing Error

·         Phase I:  January 2023 – April 2023, July 2023, November 2023 and March 2024

·         Affects Schedule 1,7,26,35,45,26E

·         No Interest

·         This information can be found in each settlement instance tab.

·         This applies to MPM customer as well as revenue recipients on these two reservations.

·         Affected parties have been notified via email too


August 2024 Prior Period Adjustments

Minnesota Power – Dispute granted for reservations 91365462 and 887572081 Continuing Error

·         Phase II:  May 2023 – June 2023, August 2023 – October 2023, December 2023 - February 2024

·         Affects Schedule 1,7,26,35,45,26E

·         No Interest

·         This information can be found in each settlement instance tab.

·         This applies to MPM customer as well as revenue recipients on these two reservations.

·         Affected parties have been notified via email too


August 2024 Statement Enhancement

·         “ESR Volume” column to be added to Schedule 26-A tab for transparency in shadowing MVP Charge calculation.

·         Updated Statement EIS Specification Document posted on website at


Disclaimer:  Adjustments and timing are subject to change.

Updated 6/27/2024