Planning Advisory Committee (PAC)

Mission Statement

The Planning Advisory Committee (PAC) is a standing committee created in Attachment B to the Transmission Owner’s Agreement. Attachment B states that “the planning function of MISO shall be the responsibility of MISO Planning Staff” and that “the process for carrying out the planning of MISO shall be collaborative with the Owners, Users, and other interested parties.” “There is hereby created a Planning Advisory Committee consisting of one (1) representative from each of the constituent groups represented on the Advisory Committee.” “The Planning Advisory Committee shall be a source of input to the Planning Staff concerning the development of the MISO Plan. The Planning Staff shall exercise its discretion in how it utilizes the advice in carrying out its responsibilities.”

The Planning Advisory Committee is formed to provide advice to the MISO Planning Staff on policy matters related to the process, adequacy, integrity and fairness of the MISO wide transmission expansion plan. The Planning Advisory Committee reports to the MISO Advisory Committee. 

Cynthia Crane
Vice Chair
Dave Johnston
Jeanna Furnish
Stakeholder Relations
Amanda Jones

Meeting List

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Meeting Materials

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