Generator Interconnection and Retirement

MISO’s generator interconnection process vets and approves the addition of new energy sources into the MISO-controlled transmission network. It also manages generation retirement decisions to ensure that there’s enough incoming energy to replace what is phased out. It’s a non-discriminatory access system, open to generators within the MISO territory.

A successful application will result in an interconnection agreement that allows a connection to the MISO grid.


The Pre-Queue phase includes an overview of the process, timeline and expectations pertaining to the output of the Generator Interconnection process. Customers may submit an application at the end of this phase. 

MISO offers regular information sessions to ensure the customer understands queue process and requirements in every phase of the process. Interconnection customers may request an ad-hoc session to discuss potential projects with MISO and the associated transmission owner. 

Note: Generator Interconnection Queue applications are accepted in alignment with the existing study cycle. Applications received after the posted study cycle deadline are assigned to the next cycle. MISO charges a flat, non-refundable D1 application fee (currently $7,000). Additionally, a D2 deposit is required to fund the three Definitive Planning Phase System Impact Studies and the Facilities Study.  


Customers work through an online application, located on the Generator Interconnection Online Portal. All required fields and documentation must be input/uploaded before the application can be officially submitted.  

MISO will acknowledge the receipt of the application within five business days from submission. 

An M2 Milestone of $8,000 per MW studied (cash or irrevocable letter of credit) is also required at the time of application submission. 

Application Review 

The application will be reviewed by the MISO Generation Interconnection and Transmission Owner teams, and applicants will be notified via e-mail within 15 business days of any deficiencies with the application.   

After receiving this notification, applicants will have 10 business days to correct any deficiencies. The application summary in the queue will list comments on the deficiencies.  

The application cannot enter the generator interconnection queue until all identified deficiencies have been cleared. During this phase, MISO reviews the request, checks customer readiness, and conducts a mandatory scoping meeting.  

Definitive Planning Phases (DPP) 

Phase 1: Provides the Interconnection Customer with a preliminary detailed analysis of their Interconnection Request’s impact on the reliability of the Transmission System 

Phase 2: Provide the Interconnection Customer a revised and detailed analysis of their Interconnection Project’s impact on the reliability of the Transmission System after incorporating updated generation assumptions resulting from the withdrawal of interconnection requests during DPP 1. 

Phase 3: Provides Interconnection Customers a final, detailed analysis of their Interconnection Project’s impact on the reliability of the Transmission System after incorporating updated generation assumptions due to potential withdrawal of interconnection requests during DPP 2. 

Upon completion of the DPP, the parties enter into final negotiations to create the Generator Interconnection Agreement (GIA). Once an agreement is reached, MISO files the agreement with FERC. 

Note: Fees and other information change over time. Refer to BPM-015 for the most current information. 

Those wishing to enter the Generator Interconnection Queue should prepare certain documents prior to applying for interconnection access. MISO provides Generator Interconnection-related updates at the Interconnection Process Working Group (IPWG) meetings.  


  • ​​Submit an Ad Hoc Meeting request to discuss potential point-of-interconnection and interconnection project issues with the transmission owner.  
  • ​​To request an informational study to aid in making project business decisions, see Appendix 5 of Attachment X for an Optional Study. Optional studies will be performed based on assumptions outlined by the interconnection customer and the results of such informational studies will be non-binding 


A completed application includes electronic copies of each of the following items: 

  • ​​A non-refundable application fee of $7,000 and a D2 deposit to fund the three DPP System Impact Studies and Facilities Study. Payment Submittal Example. Required cash deposits to be made out to MISO.
  • ​​M2 Milestone of $8,000 per MW studied (cash or Irrevocable Letter of Credit). Letter of Credit Template  

Log into the Generator Interconnection Portal to submit and/or check the status of your interconnection request(s). Before starting, you may want to review the application "How To" Guide located in the Learning Center.

Need a Learning Center account? These instructions will walk you through the process.  

New to the Interconnection Portal? Complete this GI Access Request form for access

Estimated and Actual DPP Phase Start Dates by Study Area

DPP-2023-Cycle Application Deadline: April 18, 2024 @ 5:00 PM Eastern (DPP-2023-Cycle will re-open on March 18, 2024 for new submittals)

Scheduled DPP-2023-Cycle Phase 1 Start Date: February 28, 2025.

Non-Refundable Application Fee Deposit (D1) Update:

Effective November 14, 2023, D1 equals $7,000.

Pursuant to Attachment X, section 3.3.1, this calculated Non-Refundable Deposit 1 (D1) amount is applicable to all study groups with an application deadline that is sixty (60) or more Calendar Days after this posted date November 14, 2023.

As your associated generator interconnection projects is nearing completion through the MISO DPP process and eventual execution with FERC, the below is an overview of the next steps to registering your resource with MISO.

  1. Asset Registration (Commercial Model, Network Model and Market Participation)
  2. Testing Notification (Appendix B-1 in your GIA)
  3. Commercial Operation Notification (COD – Appendix E in your GIA) 

For information and help with Asset registration please use the following links or call 1-866-296-6476 (option 3), Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. ET.

Market Participation Registration

Visit the Help Center

For guidance and help with Testing and COD notifications please reach out to:

Khurram Ansari

As new generation comes online, other generation suspends or retires. To ensure grid reliability, generator owners wanting to suspend or retire any units within the MISO region must file a form known as Attachment Y. Suspension is the first step; members can convert a suspension into a retirement. 

Member companies must notify MISO at least 26 weeks in advance of proposed suspension, or 30 days for units on forced outages. Then, within 75 days of notification, MISO evaluates reliability impact of plant status change.  

If no reliability issues are identified, the unit is approved to suspend. Confidentiality is preserved. 

If reliability issues are identified, confidentiality is removed then MISO and stakeholders discuss what alternatives are available to ensure reliability.  

If there are no feasible alternatives, the plant is designated as a System Support Reserve (SSR) and the unit will remain available after the requested retirement or suspension date.  

SSRs are last-resort measures, require FERC approval and contracts are one year in length. SSR designations are re-evaluated annually to determine if the unit is still required for reliability.  

If suspension is approved, member can request to convert the approved suspension to retirement. 

A unit may remain in suspension for no more than 36 months in a five-year period. These 36 months are generally consecutive. If the unit does not return to service after the suspension period, MISO revokes interconnection rights and the unit is automatically retired.  

Once a retirement is approved, confidentiality is removed and a public posting is made. 

MISO will only request a unit to remain online for local reliability issues and then MISO would designate that resource as a System Support Resource (SSR). All units designated as an SSR are publicly posted on OASIS. 

MISO has increased the timing requirements to the Attachment Y process from 26 weeks to one year. Customers can submit at least one year (four quarters) prior to the suspension start date.


What is the Generator Interconnection Process?

The Generator Interconnection Process (GI) defines the steps an interconnection customer and MISO take to move interconnection requests through the interconnection queue. The process can result in an interconnection agreement that allows the customer to connect generation to the MISO grid.

Where can I find detailed information on the current status of the queue?

Generator Interconnection Queue – Active Projects Map: Provides an interactive view of projects by fuel type, development cycle, or summer/winter net production.

Interactive Queue: Allows users to filter the interconnection queue by status, fuel type, and/or state. You can also download the complete interconnection queue spreadsheet from this page.

GIQ Web Overview: Updated monthly, this document provides a number of key data points regarding the current active interconnection queue.

MISO Generation Interconnection Business Practice Manual BPM-015: Provides the most current information relating to the generation interconnection process.

MISO Points of Interconnection (POI) Tool: Helps Interconnection Customers pre-screen for potential constraints associated with existing POIs.

MISO GI Study Metrics: Updated quarterly, provides a number of key data points regarding the MISO ongoing Generator Interconnection DPP schedule. 

Note: MISO cannot publicly disclose specific project details until the Generator Interconnection Agreement is filed with FERC. 

How does the GI process work and what costs are involved?

The process incorporates interaction between generator Interconnection Customers (ICs) and MISO and uses milestone achievements as a method of moving Interconnection Requests (IRs) through the queue. Milestones (represented by black diamonds in the diagram) serve as control checkpoints where MISO assesses IRs based on pre-defined criteria. Milestone achievement is a key determinant in how an IR is progressing through the process. Milestones may be technical (such as a stability model) or business-related (such as proof of Site Control). The overall process is outlined in the process flow diagram.

1. Pre-Queue: Includes an overview of the process, timeline, and expectations pertaining to the output of the Generator Interconnection process. The Pre-Queue Phase provides interested parties with regular information sessions to ensure the customer is well informed about the queue process and requirements in every phase of the process. Customers are able to submit an application at the end of this phase. Interconnection Customers also have the option to discuss potential projects with MISO and the associated Transmission Owner by requesting ad hoc sessions.

Note: GIQ applications are accepted in alignment with the existing Study Cycle. Applications received after the posted Study Cycle deadline are assigned to the next Study Cycle. MISO charges a flat non-refundable D1 application fee (currently, $7,000 in November 2023).  Additionally, a D2 deposit is required to fund the three DPP System Impact Studies and Facilities Study. 

An M2 Milestone of $4,000 per MW studied (cash or irrevocable letter of credit) is also required at the time of application submission.

2. Application Review: The application cannot enter the generator interconnection queue until all identified deficiencies have been cleared. During this phase, MISO reviews the request, checks customer readiness, and conducts a mandatory scoping meeting. Validated applications will receive a project number that begins with the letter “J” (JXXXX).

3. Definitive Planning: DPP Phase 1: Designed to provide the IC with a preliminary detailed analysis of their IR’s impact on the reliability of the Transmission System.

DPP Phase 2: Designed to provide the IC a revised and detailed analysis of their Interconnection Project’s impact on the reliability of the Transmission System after incorporating updated generation assumptions resulting from the withdrawal of interconnection requests during DPP 1.

DPP Phase 3: Designed to provide ICs a final, detailed analysis of their Interconnection Project’s impact on the reliability of the Transmission System after incorporating updated generation assumptions due to potential withdrawal of interconnection requests during DPP 2.

Upon completion of the DPP, the parties enter into final negotiations to create the Generator Interconnection Agreement (GIA). Once an agreement is reached, MISO files the agreement with FERC.

Note: Fees and other information change over time. Refer to BPM-015 for the most current information.

What is the process for suspending or retiring a generator in the MISO region (Attachment Y process)?

1. To ensure grid reliability, generator owners wanting to suspend or retire a unit(s) within the MISO region must file a form known as Attachment Y.

2. Member companies must notify MISO at least 26 weeks in advance of proposed suspension, or 30 days for units on forced outages.  

3. Within 75 days of notification, MISO evaluates reliability impact of plant status change. 

4. If no reliability issues are identified, the unit is approved to suspend.  Confidentiality is preserved.

5. If reliability issues are identified, confidentiality is removed then MISO and stakeholders discuss what alternatives are available to ensure reliability. 

6. If there are no feasible alternatives, the plant is designated as an System Support Reserve (SSR) and the unit will remain available after the requested retirement or suspension date. SSRs are always last resort measures.

7. SSR designations require FERC approval and contracts are one year in length.  SSR designations are re-evaluated each year to determine if the unit is still required for reliability. 

8. If suspension is approved, member can request to convert the approved suspension to retirement.

9. A unit may remain in suspension for no more than 36 months in a five year period.  These 36 months are generally consecutive.  If the unit does not return to service after the suspension period, its interconnection rights are revoked and the unit is automatically retired. 

10. Once a retirement is approved, confidentiality is removed and a public posting is made.

MISO will only request a unit to remain online for local reliability issues and then MISO would designate that resource as a System Support Resource (SSR).  All units designated as an SSR are publicly posted on OASIS.

MISO is currently pursuing changes to the Attachment Y process to increase the timing requirements from 26 weeks to one year.  Additional information is available as meeting material for the MISO Planning Advisory Committee and Planning Subcommittee. 

Where can I find meeting information and training on the GI process?

Queue Workshops 

IPWG stakeholder meetings where the current MISO GIP is discussed in great detail

MISO Learning Center MISO has developed an exhaustive list of training for all portions of the GIP  

Where can I find information regarding recent FERC Orders related to the GI process?

MISO DPP Timeline Reduction

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